
惠州手机CEC认证标准依据 欢迎致电

众所周知,自2005年12月30号美国加利福尼亚州能源委员会(California Energy Commission) 简称CEC便颁布了电器能效法规(Appliance Efficiency Regulation )要求所有在电器能效法规里面规定的产品需要满足要求,这就是CEC认证的来源。
1605.3(v) (4) Computer monitors. Computer monitors manufactured on or after July 1, 2019, shall comply with all of the following:
(A) The computer monitor on-mode power draw shall be less than or equal to the following equation with each of the applicable allowances applied at most once:
Eon < (Eon_max + EEP + EGame + EOLED + ECurve)
Eon is the computer monitor on-mode power draw in watts as determined under Section 1604(v)(3) of this Article,
Eon_max is the maximum on-mode power draw in watts as determined by Table V-4,
EEP is the enhanced performance display allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5,
EGame is the gaming monitor allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5,
EOLED is the OLED monitor allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5, and
ECurve is the curved monitor allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5.
(B) Consume less than or equal to 1.2 watts in computer monitor sleep mode and computer monitor off mode power combined.
(C) Be shipped with a screen luminance less than or equal to 200 cd/m2 ± 35 percent. A manufacturer may ship with additional features enabled, even if they were turned off in testing.
(D) Computer monitors with touch screen capability are allowed an additional 1 watt allowance per mode in modes where touch functionality is enabled.
EXCEPTIONS to section 1605.3(v)(4): The following computer monitors are not required to comply with section 1605.3(v)(4) of this Article but shall comply with the test procedures in section 1604(v)(3) of this Article, the certification requirements in section 1606 of this Article, and the marking requirements in section 1607 of this Article:
1. KVMs.
2. KMMs.
3. Very high performance monitors.
EXCEPTION to section 1605.3(v)(4): Medical computer monitors are not required to comply with section 1605.3(v)(4) of this Article or the test procedures in section 1604(v)(3) of this Article but shall comply with the certification requirements in section 1606 of this Article and the marking requirements in section 1607 of this Article.

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